Wednesday, June 17, 2009

grubbish talk...

in the car while driving home...
daddy: now that we're having a kid, i finally understand what is "打是疼 骂是爱"
mummy: yea lah, if the kid isn't yours, why would you bother to scold or beat them?
daddy: by the way, who's the one who come out with this saying huh?
mummy: 孔夫子 loh...
daddy: who is 孔夫子???
mummy: Confucius lah... 孔子 and 孔夫子 same person right?
daddy: is it? 孔夫子 sounds like 老孔子 leh...
mummy: ..................................................
mummy: i go search the net tomorrow.

anyway, i've search and confirmed that 孔夫子 and 孔子 were indeed the same person.
but whether this phrase is created by the famous chinese thinker and social philosopher, mummy is not so sure lah. heehee...

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