Friday, June 26, 2009

daily check...

The normal heart rate is between 60-80 beats per min
During pregnancy the heart rate goes around 85-90 beats per min
A "desirable" blood pressure is less than 120/80.
Hypertension of pregnancy is usually defined as 140/90 or greater
hey baby,
with the recent episodes of swollen legs saga, daddy and mummy are taking no chance and so we've implemented daily blood pressure check at home.

This is because high blood pressure, along with having protein in the urine, can indicate a potentially serious condition called pre-eclampsia.

"Regular BP checks once you're over 20 weeks are important for your own health as well as your baby's," says BabyCentre's midwife Sally Sago.

By the sixth month of pregnancy, mummy will have produced an extra two and a half pints of blood, which the heart has to pump around the body. All this extra activity may make mummy feel warmer than usual. The extra blood is used to transport nourishment and oxygen to you via the placenta and the umbilical cord and to take your waste products away. The pregnancy hormone progesterone relaxes the walls of blood vessels, which is why mummy's BP often falls around the middle of pregnancy. This lower BP is what makes some women feel faint if they stand for too long or get up quickly. The BP will return to normal in the last few weeks of pregnancy. The gynae will only be concerned if the BP reading rises above what's normal for and stays high over several readings.

If the BP does start to rise, the results of regular urine test will be crucial to what happens next. If the urine has protein in it, one may be in the early stages of pre-eclampsia, and will need more frequent antenatal checks as a result.

This is a serious condition thought to be caused by problems in the placenta, the organ that nourishes the baby in the womb. Pre-eclampsia can occur any time after 20 weeks of pregnancy. One in 14 pregnancies are affected by pre-eclampsia, and one in 20 women expecting their first baby suffer from this condition. These women need frequent BP and urine checks. Doctor have to be notify immediately if there are persistent headaches, , pain below the ribs on the right side, blurred vision, sudden swelling of the hands and feet and vomiting - all of which could mean a worsening of the pre-eclampsia.

p.s: our next antenatal checkup is on coming monday 29/6, will remember to tell Dr. Ang about the swollen legs.
see you then baby... :)

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