Saturday, September 5, 2009

10th checkup...

hey baby,
daddy and mummy just got back from the antenatal visit.
your EDD have been pushed forward to 10th Oct!!!
this is supposed to be our 34th week but dr. ang change it to 35th week...
you now weigh approximately 2.5kg (+/-200g), which is an increase of 500g from the last visit 2 weeks ago.
"baby is at good size and in good position (head down), if mummy's backside is big enough, no problem with going natural..." dr ang commented.
we only managed to see the back of your head, spine and abandomen and did not managed to capture you on 3D image due to your positioning, but its ok, we'll be seeing your soon in about 4 weeks time... :)
the swelling on mummy's legs is a daily affair now, and apparently the tightening feeling on the tummy is actually braxton hicks (false contraction) and its getting more intense as the days progresses. braxton hicks are not painful and this is the way the womb is preparing for your arrival. dr ang advise to monitor the symptom and if the contraction occurs at regular interval of 5~10 minutes (even with no pain), then its time to give him a call...
baby, you be good and try to stay within for another 4weeks or so ok. meantime stay happy and grow healthy...
daddy and mummy love you lots... muacks!!!

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