Monday, July 27, 2009

7th visit...

3D image at 28weeks 3days...
see you next round on 22/8
hey baby,
we visited dr. ang to check on your progress today. during the scan, doctor commented that you are a little big (weighing at 1.5kg) as of this stage, but it might be due to machine measurement error. last month scan showed that you're at 700grams, and it looks like you've doubled the weight in a month time... :(
but looking at mummy's weight gain from 56.3kg to 58.5kg, it doesn't look like we've put on too much weight leh...
anyhow, doctor says that if the next visit on 22/8 still show that you are "overweight", mummy will be put on a low carbo diet plan...
but in any case, for our health sake, mummy will try to watch the diet from now onwards and try to cut down on rice/noodles/bread/fries.
we manage to capture your 3D image again. hello sleeping beauty... :)
daddy and mummy love your chubby cheeks and high nose bridge and everything else...
can't imagine we'll be seeing and holding you in our arms very soon in about another 2months time, meanwhile, stay happy and grow healthy baby...
p.s: mummy is given 2days MC for runny nose and irrated throat. no cough and fever, but doc says soon as fever develop, mummy got to go back immediately for further checkup... keeping fingers crossed, everything will be fine...

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