Thursday, May 28, 2009

nursery decor 3

A Warm Welcome Baby Nursery Decorating Idea
The use of warm colors is a welcoming baby nursery decorating idea. Kids love warm colors, and even a young baby can recognize red. If you've been reluctant to use conventional fire engine red in large doses, consider one of the rich, interesting alternative reds shown here. Coral, cranberry, barn red, and other ruby hues inject a feeling that's both exciting and cozy.
The trick to keeping red manageable is balance. If you opt for red walls, keep the ceiling, floor, furniture, and accessories cool and light. White, cream, pale blue, and light green add serenity to offset red's stimulation. If you choose red furniture that covers a smaller area of the room, you can easily use warm tints on the walls and floor. Yellow, pink, peach, or melon gently continues the warming trend.

nursery decor 2

All in Fun Baby Nursery Decorating Idea
Color is the most emotionally compelling element in any design, so there's no quicker way to create a happy mood than to use cheerful hues like the ones shown here. Sounds simple, but simple decorating ideas may be exactly what you want in a little one's room.
This smart space uses extra wide bold stripes in sherbet tints to create a feeling that's as much fun as a circus but as pretty as a spring garden. To keep the look from becoming too sweet, no conventional floral prints were used. Instead, whimsical farm animals and checks lend a fun and frisky air.
White wicker furniture has its own woven pattern that contributes subtle interest. What's more, these wicker furniture pieces will retain their charm long after she's outgrown the crib.

nursery decor 1

Minty Fresh Baby Nursery Decorating Idea
Green, the color of growing things, is a perennial favorite in rooms for little ones and a great decorating idea for your baby's nursery. Paired with pink and white for girls, it makes a garden statement without half trying. Grouped with blue and white, as it is here, green makes a refreshing preserve for a little boy.

green is mummy's favourite colour...

friends of ikea

hey baby,
while redeeming the ikea friends points last night, daddy exclaimed that we practically goes to ikea every month, may it be for food, shopping or simply browsing for inspirations.
and so we are truly FRIENDS of ikea. haehaehaeh...
mummy is still contemplating on getting the cot from there, and the many accessories (bedding sets, blankets, toys, etc) that can match. we can named you as BABY of ikea next...
ok, we will be dedicating the first $35 vouchers to you...
can't wait to see you again tomorrow, love you lots from daddy and mummy...

mirror mirror on the wall

daily conversation in the lift

mummy: do i look fat from the rear?
daddy: no
mummy: do i look pregnant from the rear?
daddy: no
mummy: do i look fat from the front?
daddy: no
mummy: do i look pregnant from the front?
daddy: yes
mummy: (smiling satisfactorily) ok
daddy: ..................

Monday, May 25, 2009

popeyes chicken & biscuits

hey baby,
daddy brought us to Popeyes @ Singapore Flyer on Sunday for lunch. yummy yum... :p
while walking to the restaurant
daddy: wanna take the ride?
mummy: no lah, so expensive, don't want lah...
daddy: ok, when baby turns 1, we'll bring her here for a ride...
daddy loves you much much :)
and mummy too...
p.s: meanwhile, we'll be back there for more chicken
*slurp slurp*

scouting around...

Omega Car Seat (LIGHT) Britax
Price: $399.00

- Design for 4 months to around 4 years old.
- Weight: Up to 18kg.
- Forward mode: Convertible & Child Restraint.

S705 - Capella Pram (Red)
Price: $369.00

- Reversible handle
- One hand folding
- Rear window
- UV protection
- Coolmash fabric
- Light weight aluminum frame
- Suitable for birth
- 4 wheel drive
- Weight: 8.5kg
- Open: 905x530x1000cm
- Closed: 393x530x1025cm

Bebe Dreami Cot (White)
Price: $329.00

6 in 1 Cot;
- Baby Cot,
- Playpen,
- Playhouse,
- Sofa Bed with 4 positions,
- Toddler Bed with 2 side rails,
- Junior Bed

Available colours: White /Oak

1) Air-Tex Matterss (26" x 48" x 4")
2) 9pcs Bedding Set
3) Toddler Bedrails x 2

knock knock, who's there...

the little game you play with daddy and mummy over the weekend... :)
you kick, daddy tap, kick, tap, kick, tap, kick, tap...
mann are we fascinated!!!

shopping 1...

hey baby,
these are the 1st 2 items we bought for you at the Philips Carnival Sale.
mummy do not like the idea of conventional sterilising of bottles, so we got you a electric steam steriliser. worry that other brands of bottles might not be able to fit, we bought another 3 little bottles as well.
original price of the steriliser is SGD182.90 and we got it for SGD128.00
3x 125ml bottles are priced at SGD24.20 and we paid SGD17.00
total amount for purchase is $145.00

Sunday, May 24, 2009

19 weeks...

hey baby,
We're halfway there! You measures around 6 inches/ 15 centimeters long from crown to rump and weighs about 9 ounces/ 240 grams. You have started to swallow amniotic fluid, and the kidneys continue to make urine. Hair on the scalp is sprouting. Sensory development reaches its peak this week. The nerve cells serving each of the senses - taste, smell, hearing, seeing, and touch - are now developing in your specialized areas of the brain. Nerve cell production slows down as existing nerve cells grow larger and make more complex connections.
Daddy finally feels you move this morning... :)
He tapped on you several times and you responded!!!
At 11.10pm, while we were still having coffee outside, you tapped on mummy's tum to remind that its time for lesson... :)
We're glad you're responding well and staying active. Love ya...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

calcium intake

hey baby,
mummy's source of calcium intake as of now is Milo...

Why need calcium?
Your developing baby needs calcium to grow strong bones and teeth, a healthy heart, nerves, and muscles, and to develop normal heart rhythm and blood clotting abilities. If you don't get enough calcium in your diet, your baby will leach it from your bones, which may impair your own health later on.

How much needed?
Before, during, and after pregnancy you need 1,000 mg a day, because your body can't absorb much more than that amount.

Per serving (30g) of Milo 3in1 compose of 135mg of calcium.
We need 1,000mg per day, so calculation (1000/135) works out to taking 7.5 packets of Milo per day to attain the required amount!!!
think constipation is the next problem should mummy really take this much of Milo everyday. :p
ok, time to get daddy to search for high calcium milk tonight.

by the way, daddy's nickname when he was little is "milk baby, simply because he loves dairy products... :)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

our breakfast

our breakfast for today...
ta da!!! dunkin donuts

mummy's all time favourite: sugar raised
classic, original and authentic...

half the price, double the yummi-ness...

hey baby, mummy bought ourselves dunkin donuts for breakfast today...
mummy is picky about the types and kinds of food she takes, whereas daddy is game enough to try out most of the stuffs, even if they are not very yummy.
I certainly hope you will take after him in this aspect...
As of now, should you have craving for any food, let mummy know and we'll get daddy to bring us go "mum mum" ok...?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

pregnancy brain

mummy was telling daddy last week that the photos backed up in the 8GB & 16GB thumb drives had all disappeared!!! and those copies saved in the HDD have all been deleted. *faint* the photos are accumulated over the years taken with daddy and family on so many occasions, so mummy is pretty upset that these memory had all vanished in thin air. but for consolidation, most of the photos have been uploaded on FB, so they are still retrievable...
fast forward to this week, mummy was rummaging through the pouch and came across this 2GB thumb drive... you've guessed it, all the photos are safely tucked within... ^v^
mummy is attributing this symptom as "pregnancy brain"

Pregnancy brain is a condition that affects expectant mothers, usually during the first and third trimesters. Sometimes known as placenta brain or baby brain drain, the condition is usually characterized by short-term memory loss or forgetfulness. Some medical experts say that pregnancy brain is a myth, but evidence shows that many women have experienced this condition.
Studies linking memory and pregnancy are limited, and their results have been irregular. However, pregnant women have claimed to experience frustration while trying to remember the most simple everyday tasks. Some working women who are pregnant have become emotionally distressed because pregnancy brain has rendered them unable to work effectively.
It's understandable that women's emotional levels vary greatly during pregnancy. Hormonal surges, combined with the fact that pregnant women must eat for two and may be getting less sleep, are contributory. A great deal of the mother's time is taken up with thoughts of the baby, so a little forgetfulness is expected.
Increased levels of the
hormone progesterone are thought to be a culprit in pregnancy brain. Progesterone can often cause headaches, mood swings and fatigue. The increase of progesterone is often greatest in the first trimester and may be the reason for increased forgetfulness.
The effects of pregnancy brain vary greatly among women. They can be as simple as forgetting phone numbers that one has dialed for years or placing toilet paper in the fridge. One mother-to-be drove home only to find she had arrived at a previous home she had not lived in for six years.
Doctors have devised a few key steps that may help pregnant women decrease the risk of pregnancy brain. Sleep is a key factor in keeping the mind mentally healthy. A pregnant woman should try to get the same amount of sleep as she did before the pregnancy. Eating a well-balanced diet is essential to keep both mother and baby healthy. Doctors recommend that pregnant women take
prenatal vitamins in order to ensure the intake of vital vitamins and minerals.
Exercise is also essential to keep the circulation flowing, decrease tiredness and make the mother feel mentally healthier. Another tip is to drink plenty of fluids. When pregnant women become dehydrated, their
electrolytes may be disrupted, causing decreased memory and confusion.
The good news for pregnant women is that pregnancy brain is only temporary. It should start to decrease once the baby is born, although some mothers claim that pregnancy brain can last for some time after the birth. However, with most of the mother's time spent taking care of a newborn baby, this is only to be expected.

Having said it all, the article mentioned that pregnancy brain affects expectant mothers in their 1st and 3rd trimisters, but mummy is into the 2nd trimister, and doesn't seems to fit into the category. hmmmm....
what the heck, who can carry 3 thumb drives around and remember where the photos are stored anyway!!!??? time for some housekeeping... :p

having said it all, there are things that daddy and mummy will not forget:
- baby's EDD
- next gynae appointment
- daily dose of vits
- twice per day prenatal education
- existence of the little baby growing in the tum tum
- vows we shared

Monday, May 18, 2009

essential 1...

hey baby,
daddy says to buy you a cot.
our first hunt is at Ikea. mummy likes something in white (to match our master bed frame).
this is the first option: GULLIVER cot in white
will be looking around for more...

daddy and mummy be providing you the best to our capability, love ya...

Friday, May 15, 2009

18 weeks...

hey baby, you are 18 weeks as of today. yea, that's quite a milestone as we are only one week away from the half-way mark... HOORAY!!!
you may have reached 15 cm from crown to rump by now, and can both feel and hear. Although at this moment, all you can hear is mummy's heartbeat and the flow of my digestive system, but soon you'll be able to detect noise outside the womb and identify daddy's and mummy's voice...
As per the last few scans, your EDD date is still fluctuating. Anyway, this is just the estimated date. So for now, you EDD is 16th October 2009.
*lotsa loves from daddy & mummy*

daily dose...

mummy's not a great fan of medicine/vitamins, especially in pill form.
these supplements & vitamins are to make you grow well & healthy, so mummy ensure you do get your daily dosages.
all out of love...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

with love.... from daddy

hey baby,
daddy bought this for mummy, cos he's a little concerned that you might not have sufficient room to grow as mummy is still wearing her regular pre-pregnant jeans at week18. :S
mummy tried wearing the maternity bottoms, but they keep slipping off as the bump is not big enough yet. :p

bellybelt can be found at Mothercare @ SGD29.90


hey baby, a little intro on the prenatal education system you've been in contact with for the past 1 week.

BabyPlus curriculum is a series of 16 naturally derived sounds that resemble a mother's heartbeat. The rhythm of the sounds increases incrementally as the pregnancy progresses. The BabyPlus sonic pattern introduces your child to a sequential learning process, built upon the natural rhythms of their own environment.

For optimal learning, it is recommended that mummy begin using BabyPlus between the 18th and 32nd week of pregnancy. It is recommended to be used twice per day, 1 hour in the morning and 1 hour in the evening.

So for now, mummy got to stick to the new routine daily:

04.30am: wake up to give you the 1st 1 hour lesson. mummy continue to sleep while you "learn"
05.30am: start of the work day for mummy (getting ready for work)
06.30am: drive for an hour to get to work (mummy's office is in malaysia)
08.00am: work start
06.00pm: work end
06.15pm: leave office and head back singapore to pick daddy
07.45pm: reach daddy office
09.30pm: reach home after dinner
11.00pm: settle in bed to give you the 2nd 1 hour lesson. mummy wander off to la la land
12.00am: after ensuring lesson ends, daddy tuck mummy to bed

no complaints, simply because we love you lots...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

mummy's reading

hey baby, currently, mummy is reading these books to understand you better on your progess and development...
we just want you to be a healthy and happy baby. :)
*lotsa hugs & kisses*

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

development so far

(click on picture to enlarge)


since we won't know your confirm gender until the detailed scan scheduled on 29th May 2009, daddy is calling you baby junior seow (BJS) for now...

Monday, May 11, 2009

daddy & mummy

hello baby, greeting from daddy & mummy...

born to learn

hey baby,
this is our first "official" investment for you... :)
hopefully you will "inherit" some of the characteristics as claim for this prenatal education system:
- More readily nurse
- Display an increased ability to self-soothe
- Are more interactive & responsive
- Are more relaxed & alert at birth
- And later in life demonstrate:
- Earlier developmental milestones
- Enhanced intellectual abilities
- Longer attention spans
- Improved school readiness
- Greater creativity & independence
If not, do know that we still love you all the same...
cost of babyplus: S$288/=
cost of baby : priceless

Monday, May 4, 2009

first glimpse of life

date tested on 10th Feb 2009

baby kaelyn seow's ticker

Lilypie First Birthday tickers